Pursuant to Law 124/2017 ‘Annual Law for the Market and Competition
notice is hereby given that the Piacenza Alimentare Consortium has received the following public aid:
Year 2018
Euro 147,000 (granted by Chamber of Commerce of Piacenza on 9/11/2018)
Euro 150,000 (Emilia Romagna Region determination no. 20872 of 12/12/2018 notice for support to Internationalization consortia projects 2018-2019)
Year 2019-2020
Euro 220,000 (granted by CIAAA of PC on 8/10/2019) of which Euro 92,016 collected in FY 2020 and Euro 63,758 collected in FY 2021
Euro 150,000 (Emilia Romagna Regional Authority decision no. 23227 of 16/12/2019 announcement to support internationalisation projects of Internationalization consortia 2019-2020)
Year 2021
Euro 146,105.99 (Emilia Romagna Regional Authority decision no. 23227 of 14/10/2021 notice of call for support for digital internationalisation projects of Internationalization consortia -2021, not yet collected)