Flour and CerealsMolino Dallagiovanna GRV S.r.l.

Via Pilastro, 2 – 29010 Gragnano Trebbiense (PC)
Tel. 0523 787155 – Fax. 0523 787450
www.dallagiovanna.it – info@dallagiovanna.it

The Dallagiovanna family began grinding cereals in 1832, combining craftsmanship and cutting edge technologies with the constant search of quality in products and customers services. The production is still performed in Gragnano Trebbiense (Piacenza), where everything takes place in a context of full respect for the environment.


Standard and customized flour for the production of bread, pizza, pasta and cakes, without the use of additives or improvers.
Organic flour approved by the Consortium for the Control of Organic Products (CCPB).
Semi finished products for Pizza made from innovative ingredients.
Gluten-free mixes for all needs, even without lactose: bread and pizza, pasta – even integral – leavened cakes and fried cakes, shortbread and biscuits.

Exclusive features:
– Cleansing and wetting of the grain before milling. Cleansing, in particular, allows to: eliminate surface impurities; promote the absorption of water and the tenderness of the caryopsis of wheat; improve the separation of the outer layers of the grain of wheat that are the by-products (bran); grind in an easier way; obtain a  better flour (whiter and purer).
– Slow and delicate milling, controlled temperature, low damage of starch.
– Ability to produce over 300 products, including more than 100 tailored to specific customer requirements.
– Quality control laboratory for chemical, physical  and rheological analysis of raw materials and mixtures of flours.
– Quality Management System complies with ISO 9001 / ISO 9001: 2008 for research, development and production of wheat flour and related products.

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    29122 PIACENZA
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    PHONE 0523.305928 – FAX. 0523.313854

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